
How To Use Lock Pick Gun

Beginners Guide to Electrical Lock Picking Guns (EPGs)

The Multipick KRONOS - the KING of all EPGs.

The Electric Choice Gun, (EPG) is one of the virtually well known of all lock picking tools. An improvement of the manual 'snap-gun' (originally designed for US police force forces requiring a simple, non-subversive tool that requires little preparation or practice) the EPG provides an easy to use solution to those needing frequent non-destructive opening of locks.

The Brockhage Manual Pick Gun. Although not as successful or quick as an EPG, never needs charging and always expert to have i at the ready.

In fact, in this curt blog, I'll tell y'all all you need to know to go from EPG in the box, to EPG opening locks. Squeamish rhyme.

It doesn't matter what EPG you have, the principles are much the same, and any idiosyncrasies your particular model has, volition go apparent to you over time, and will just improve upon what you know, rather than question it.

The KLOM EPG  took the lock picking world by storm when it came out and continues to be admired today. A budget EPG that has an incredible price to success ratio. It put the ability of the EPG into the hands of even the about casual lock picker.

Kickoff, make sure your unit of measurement is charged. Whether there'south a removable bombardment, or the unit charges from the mains. Missing this step is the 'no petrol' situation of a car 'not starting'.

Next you demand to select and attach a needle. Over time more elaborate and fancy looking needles have appeared on the market. Whether these add anything to the technique is for y'all to determine later on, for now select the simplest one you accept, a straight, short, standard needle. And ensure this is screwed in tightly with the tools (a screwdriver or Allen central) provided.

A selection of needles from Multipick. Some of the more adventurous designs are best left for after. Start with the simple directly, obviously blazon (height correct) and progress as your confidence and knowledge increases.

You're ready to go!

How it works:

Lock picking is about 'setting' the pins of a Lock. The pins in a lock forbid the 'plug' from turning by obstructing free movement. Lock picking, whatever the technique must movement these pins out of the manner, thus assuasive the plug to turn and the lock to open up.

Image result for pick gun gif

The flicking needle of the EPG will do the work of moving the pins, simply unless at that place's something preventing them from falling back into place, it's futile. Enter the 'tension wrench'.

This Fifty-shaped piece of metal (which comes in various designs, merely that's the basic shape) is inserted into the keyway of the lock BEFORE the EPG needle, and a small amount of 'turning pressure level' is applied in a (usually) clockwise direction. This pressure is minimal, I cannot stress this enough. You are not trying to turn the lock, and are certainly not forcing anything. Trying to do either will hinder - not assistance - the technique. You are strong to create a tiny ledge, literally nigh 0.5mm along what is called 'the shearline' the part where the plug meets the housing. This ledge is and then tiny it will let the pins to jump upwardly as they respond to the needle, only too prevent them (sometimes) from falling down. When all the pins in the lock are sitting on this ledge, the small amount of turning pressure yous've maintained throughout the picking procedure, volition cause the lock to plow, and it's open.

Practice applying turning pressure, see how easy it is to turn the plug the small amount before y'all feel it obstructed by a pin. Apply to much and you lot'll trap a pivot (between plug and housing) so tightly that the picking needle can't move it and you'll either break the needle, or risk called-for out the motor, every bit it tries to flick a needle that cannot move.

In summary:

  • Insert tension tool
  • Apply minimal tension
  • Insert picking needle with EPG
  • Pull trigger in short bursts

Some additional tips:

As with nigh lock picking, successfully using an EPG is mainly about your ability to sympathize tension and 'read' feedback from the lock. Yous will feel tiny changes in the lock that are transmitted along the tension tool. If you are applying as well much tension the pins will struggle to motion and you'll experience this feedback in the tension tool besides as in the action of the needle as information technology's being obstructed by also tight pins.

Maintaining tension isn't just nigh keeping the same amount of pressure, information technology's about making small-scale adjustments in your pressure to adapt to changes in the lock. Equally y'all fix pins in the lock the situation changes and may require farther tension or less. The plug will besides move very slightly as each pin is ready and y'all should make up this motility with your tension. It'south advisable to practice every bit much as possible with some locks at habitation to larn how to 'read' this language of locks.

Circular tension tools are perfect for electrical pick guns as they can better handle the vibrations caused past the flicking needle.

Another important tip is to pull the trigger in short bursts of maybe 2 seconds. There's no point going overboard and hoping constant action will work. It won't It is oftentimes worth removing the EPG needle from the lock and resetting the lock by turning the tension wrench anti-clockwise and starting over. This will eliminate and imitation sets or other more than advanced problems you'll learn about subsequently. Only occasionally rest everything then y'all're starting from scratch.

Keeping the trigger pressed for too long volition also probably cause damage to the motor of your EPG and since it achieves zip is worth avoiding. Frustration is the enemy of all lock picking, then remain at-home, be patient and empathize there's a technique to learn and in that location's problems to solve.

There's all fashion of dissimilar tension tools bachelor, and you'll shortly detect one that suits you or suits the technique you're using. As well every bit circular there'due south meridian of keyway tension tools, and adaptable ones too. A good range will ensure you have what's required for each lock you lot encounter.

Too, while EPGs are one of the best lock picking tools available they are not 100% constructive. Some locks simply won't respond to them. This is why a expert range and pick of locks to exercise on is essential, information technology's good for morale to pop a lock open, and incredibly frustrating when any you exercise doesn't seem to work. Existence a good lock picker is besides knowing when to terminate with a technique and move onto something else. This is why a professional picker will have a multifariousness of techniques with which to approach the same lock, every bit it helps ensure success.

Happy picking.

Chris Dangerfield.

Farther READING:

Using the KLOM EPG

Electric Selection Guns and Overheating

Enter The Kronos - the EPG dreams are fabricated of

How To Use Lock Pick Gun,


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